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Last days of summer

It feels like summer just started and yet here we are, at the end of August and school starts tomorrow! There's a joke in Seattle that you are exhausted at the end of summer because you want to take advantage of every last bit of the warm sun and I have to agree with that - these past few weeks have been packed with seeing friends and enjoying the weather. We did a quick weekend trip to Seabrook with the Wongs, and although we haven't gone camping at all this summer (much to Scott's disappointment), we have done A LOT of fishing including a recent hike along the Taylor River in Middle Fork Snoqualamie. Some pictures are below. Sadly, it has started to turn cold already and in fact, was hailing yesterday in parts of Seattle. Bye, Vitamin D! The kids practicing cartwheels at Seabrook beach. This year, we rented a house on the water side. This was the view from the deck. The beach is just behind those trees. Nora and I had fun walking the gnome trail again. The girls all made
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Big Island 2024

We spent about 2 glorious weeks in Big Island again earlier this month. We spent the first week with the Hanleys and got to do a lot of fun things like explore a new "secret" beach, celebrate Nora's birthday at Tommy Bahama, view the stars from Mauna Kea and spent lots of time in the pool. After we bid the Hanleys a sad goodbye, we lounged around a bit and Scott did lots of house chores while I was working remotely. I know we are so blessed and privileged to be able to go there, we are already aching to go back!  Shave ice - this time with Boba! Pineapple and Mango dole whip Evie has switched to preferring dole whip over shave ice. We went to Hawaiian Style Cafe for breakfast one day. This is the [massive] Coconut pancake order. One evening we went to the Mauna Kea hotel to see the manta rays. Afterwards, we grabbed dessert in Copper Bar. These coffee profiteroles were excellent. The kids at Copper Bar, watching the Olympics. On one of the days, we brought our lunch out t

Family time

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PEPs get together

We had a nice evening hanging with some of old PEPs buddies! It was a wonderful, warm evening out by the water at the Mercer Island beach club where the King family are members. The kids had fun splashing in the pool, jumping into the lake, roasting smores and just running around the grounds while the adults soaked in one of the last 9pm sunsets for the year. I can't believe how grown these kids are! Seems like just yesterday we were reminiscing about highs and lows of being new parents. Some photos of now vs then below! Enjoying the lake views! Moonrise over Renton Evie and Vivian Evie, Nora, Cecily, Vivian, Winston, Jude and Callum One of our first PEPs meetings! The kids couldn't even sit up yet. See Evie? One of our last get togethers - a 4th of July picnic. Viv and Evie in a double stroller.