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Showing posts from July, 2014

Evie and Blakely

We spent Sunday with our pals Lauren, Greg and their two little ones Blakely and Graham. Evie and Blakely are about 5 months apart in age and always have a blast together. How cute are they holding hands in the parking lot when we went to lunch?

DIY nail polish

Ever since she saw her teachers at school with green and blue nail polish to root the Seahawks, Evie wants to get her nails done too. I haven't let her do it yet, so she takes things into her own hands. This is what we found she was doing today while she was "coloring"! I did her left foot, the rest she very proudly did on her own.

Our little swimmer

I mentioned earlier that Evie has been taking swim lessons. Last week was the first time I went with her; Scott is usually the one who takes her to the lesson. Last week, she SCREAMED while in the pool. Poor girl was hyperventilating in the pool, yelling "I want Mommy, I want Mommy!" Scott insists this never happens so I think my being there may have been a bad idea. Scott and I both took her this time and gave her a pep talk the entire way over to the lesson. Once she got there, she only whimpered a bit once, and then was all smiles and was very brave. This time they let her try to swim on her own, tried to teach her to blow bubbles and to float on her back. I couldn't stop laughing at the funny faces she was making in the water, but our little munchkin did great going back and forth without complaint! Here's a few videos:

Why we have soft-covered books on her Amazon wish list

Evie loves to read and would make us read to her all night long if we didn't put in a 2 book rule at bedtime. It's okay though, she just takes a book into bed with her and reads them to her Stuffies until she gets sleepy! This is what we usually see after we tuck her in at night. I hope I'm not jinxing that she will always love reading as much as she does now.

Evie's 3 year checkup

Evie turned 3 back in June, but we weren't very timely with scheduling her 3 year checkup so we finally just had it yesterday. We're happy to report that she is a whopping 25.5 pounds! That's the 3rd percentile, for those who keep score. She's 20th in height though. The doctor thought she looked great and everything is on track. No shots this year so we avoided that thankfully. We took this opportunity to tell Evie the doctor told her to drink more milk since she's not a big fan of milk (much like her mama!). At 3, Evie is a chatterbox! Well, she was a chatterbox way before 3, but she's definitely not as shy now.   She LOVES to sing - everything from Doe-a-Deer (she mastered that before our Hawaii trip in May) to Frozen songs. She is into all things princess and her favorites are Anna from Frozen, Cinderella, Belle and Brave (she always forgets that the princess name is Merida). Favorite colors are pink and green. She can write her name (not always in the righ...


It was super hot over the weekend - reaching into the 90's! That's pretty rare for Seattle. To beat the heat, I took Evie on Sunday to the spray park in South Lake Union. It's pretty new and was the perfect size for her. We had gone to a different spray park a few weeks ago but there were tons of big kids and lots of shooting water jets so she was shy and didn't have much fun. This time though, she was singing and running all over the place! Crawling under the water arch Just the right size for Evie! Afterwards, we met up with my old friend Sayo, Jae and their daughter Sophie for a little ride on the boat. Sophie is almost 1 years old and is adorable - she's a little mini Jae! She was such a content little baby, barely uttering a peep. The only time she was unhappy was when we forced her to wear the infant life vest. Evie didn't like it when she was little either. We hope they liked Seattle and can't wait for them to visit us again, maybe next...