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Showing posts from September, 2014

Zoo fun

We met up with Seattle Vivienne (not to be confused with school Vivian) for a Sunday at the zoo! These girls are so cute together - they're very comfortable with each other and hold hands and run and chase each other around. Their personalities are really coming out and it's so interesting to see how they balance each other out. Vivienne is usually pretty quiet, strong willed and fearless. Evie, on the other hand, is a chatterbox and pretty silly and although not as timid as she used to be, still watches Vivienne before she takes the plunge on anything dangerous. Anyway, we had a fun time at the zoo. Heck, these girls would have fun together anywhere!  Here's an old pic of the two gals when they were about 11 months old.

heel, toe, kick!

Evie's hula skills are pretty good but we thought we'd hone them a bit by taking her to dance class. We did a trial class at the Issaquah Dance Theater this past Saturday. It's a class for 3-5 year olds and focuses on "creative movement" through ballet and tap. Since it was just a trial class, we didn't have all the right gear for her to wear (like tap shoes!) but she still seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit. Parents aren't allowed into the classroom so the best we could do was take some videos of the little chipmunk through the glass door. Evie was the littlest one in the glass and did great! It's pretty amusing to watch these little girls - Evie can do the hand movement OR the foot movement, but not together at the same time. See for yourself! Can you spot our little ballerina?


Evie has had a low grade fever for several days now and she started to develop a pretty bad cough. The past few nights have been rough - she wakes every few hours, crying, having a coughing fit. Poor little lamb! We made an appt to see the doctor on Monday morning and it turns out the little bugger has pneumonia. The good news is that aside from the sleeping at night, she's in pretty good spirits. Her appetite is only so-so, but she's laughing and playing and dancing around most of the time. She's not too fond of the antibiotics she has to take now, but the chocolate-covered cherry that Daddy bribes her with more than makes up for it! Breathing test Checking her oxygen levels


There's only a few days of summer left in Seattle! We had to take advantage of the weather before it turns cold to go out one more time on the boat. This was baby Nora's first venture out on the water and the good news is she did great! It was pretty crowded out on Lake Union and the water pretty rocky but that actually probably worked in Nora's favor. Here's a few pictures of our lazy Sunday afternoon.

1 month old today

Our little Nora turned 1 month old today! How did the first month pass by so quickly?! At 1 month, she just started smiling (although not very often), is getting a little better at tummy time, still has gas problems, eats all the time (every 1.5 hours) but will sleep for one good 4-5 hour stretch. Her eyes are turning closer to brown, and she still has two swirls in the back of her hair. I can't tell if she looks more like a Simpson or a Yu yet! From today's DIY photo shoot She kinda looks like a boy ... Smile!


It's funny because I think Nora is looking less and less like Evie now. Then I look at some old photos and think - never mind! You can definitely tell they are sisters. What do you think? Evie, Day 29 Nora, Day 28

Day 28

Nora was in a good mood and wide awake so I thought I'd take advantage and take some pictures of this cutie pie. I was trying to capture her smile but taking an action shot is kinda hard!

Happy Anniversary!

Happy anniversary to us! On this day in 2007, Scott and I tied the knot in Malibu. Fast forward 7 years and we're now old geezers with 2 beautiful little girls, living the life up here in Seattle. Poh Poh and Goong Goong were awesome and happily watched the kiddos while we went for a date night out at Red Cow in Madrona and toasted to many more years to come! We were just babies back in 2007. A Cab for me, and a Manhattan for Scott!


We love Facetime! Especially since we're so far away from family, Facetime is an awesome way for us to stay in touch with everyone. I was honestly very worried about my kids growing up away from their cousins, but I think Facetime has helped keep Evie in touch with Ian, Quinn and Cade. Most of the time she's not really into "talking" when we do a call, but every once in a while, she gets into it. With Ian especially, they tend to be silly together, and this is the resulting type of call we have. LOTS of giggling and silliness!

Tent Park

The closest park to us is pretty much right across the street from our house. We don't go too often because it isn't very toddler friendly - it has just a little "tent" house and then a climbing structure. Evie is finally getting to the age though where she likes hanging on monkey bars, climbing on things and entertaining herself and now this park is great for her! We've walked over there every day this past weekend, and I caught a few of her antics on camera. Enjoy!