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Showing posts from February, 2015

skinny beans

Look at these two skinny minnies sharing a cart at Costco! You can't really tell, but Nora is sitting in Evie's lap. And no, not to worry - we did this only for a photo op. I did not push the cart around the store with them sitting like this!  Add caption

Happy new year!

Happy new  year, everyone!

Beach day

It's been unseasonably dry this winter here in Seattle. In fact, Snoqualamie Pass, the closest ski resort to us, has closed for the season already.  It was gorgeous and sunny out today and since we had to do errands on the Seattle side, we decided to head over to Golden Gardens. It is one of the few sand beaches in Seattle and Evie had a grand old time playing in the sand despite the chilly weather. The rest of us huddled close to keep warm! 

Bossy = leadership skills

Evie really is a great big sister. She loves to "babysit" - if I have to go to the bathroom, she'll volunteer to keep Nora entertained. She'll bring Nora toys to play with and explain how they work. She's also very quick to yell out if Nora does something naughty, like put the toy in her mouth. Her teacher told me the other day that she likes to put Evie in charge sometimes to help corral the kids because Evie is very good at telling people what to do, in a very nice way and that the other kids listen. Looks like Evie has good "leadership skills"! the two munchkins

Jo Sun!

I was in a camera mood in the morning and caught a few snaps of the precious baby sleeping. The camera clicking woke her up, but she was a good sport about it and gave me a few smiles. Her hair always curls up like while she's sleeping. It makes for funny bedhead. Oh, paparrazi!

Happy 1/2 birthday!

How did 6 months already go by?! Yesterday was Nora's 1/2 birthday, and I really can't believe that she's already so big. At 6 months, the little girl weighed in a 16lb 4.3oz (54 percentile), measured 25.75" (44 percentile), and had a head circumference of 43.2cm (78 percentile!). At this rate, she's going to be bigger than her sister soon! Nora's started solids, but by that we mean she's tasted and licked sweet potato, avocado, banana and rice cereal so far. She still is not a fan of rolling over and instead wants to just stand all day. She is almost tripod-ing, but hasn't quite gotten the hang of it.  She's still sweet as can be, with a ready smile for anyone, especially her big sister. And, she's still waking up once or twice a night so I think it's time to start sleep training!  Happy 1/2 birthday, little sweetling!

Sweetie potato pie

It took a few tries, but it looks like our Sweet Potato likes sweet potato!

Evie or Nora?

Which one is Evie, and which is Nora? 

Big sister is so funny!

Nora can't take her eyes of Evie whenever Evie is in the room. She adores her big sister!

A new seat at the table

Nora bear is starting to try solids this week! Wish us luck!

Superbowl 49

Our beloved Seahawks made it to the Superbowl and this was the scene here during the 2nd half:  Evie was awake for the Kate Perry half time show though and couldn't tear her eyes away. In fact, we watched it twice!