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Showing posts from April, 2015

School buddies

Evie's friends at schools are so cute and sweet. When we drop her off in the morning, they get excited when they see her and yell "Evie's here!" In the evenings, when we pick her up, they often crowd around and give her hugs before she leaves. Here's a few of them, chatting it up with Scott one afternoon: Note: Adrianna's last name isn't really "Nugey". That's just shorthand for her nickname "Naughty Nugey"! It crackes me up that she identifies with it so well.

Baby on the move!

Nora's been SOCLOSE to crawling that we've taken several videos to try to capture the moment. I think we finally got it thought! Here she is taking a few tiny shuffles forward earlier this week:

The new babysitter

Came across this gem when I was taking pics off our camera! The girls got along so well with Bah Sook Goong that maybe he should come back up and babysit some more?! :)

Wakey wakey

This is why Nora has a bald spot at the back of her head:

Almost there!

Our smiley girl is so close to crawling. Here's her latest attempt:

Happy 8 month birthday, Nora!

Baby girl turned 8 months old yesterday! At 8 months, Nora is soclose to crawling. She's still a champion eater and pretty much will lunge for food the minute she sees a spoon coming towards her. She's not picky about what she eats so far either, although we haven't really been too adventurous. She has 2 teeth at the bottom. She's hasn't said any words yet, but does blow lots of raspberries. She's starting to transition to two naps a day instead of three, which is really nice for Mommy, Daddy and Evie when we're out and about on the weekends. All in all, she's still a sweet little munchkin and is spoiled rotten by her sweet big sister. Baby can't sit still! Evie at 8 months couldn't sit still either!

Dumpling Queen

Me: Evie, how much do you love dumplings? Evie: THIS MUCH! Sunday lunch: shared a bowl of ramen with me (ate the egg and pork too) and ate all 5 gyozas!

Who packed this grocery bag?

Evie is a helpful shopper in grocery stores. At home though she packs herself up. In the first photo Evie is researching the benefits of signing up for a Target credit card. "5% cash back dad!"

Laser show!

A few weeks ago we visited the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. Evie liked the fake dinosaurs and she LOVED the laser light show. Best part was laying on the floor of the planetarium to watch the show. It was synchronized to music playing kids songs and star wars. And this picture always puts a smile on my face. Have you ever seen a sweeter kid? The only time Nora smiles so big and with wide-eyes is when she is doing a lot of grunting and working on something big. Mega poo!

Tulip season in seattle

Q: What is Bahsook's favorite flower? A: Tulips! (particularly red and yellow) On Easter we (along with 30,000 other seattlites) trekked out to Mount Vernon WA to see the tulip fields. Round trip driving was probably close to 5 hours. It's nuts!! Never again shall I go on a weekend. On the positive side it was a sunny day and the girls had fun.

At the movies

I love Evie's imagination! Tonight, she lined up all the new friends she got from PohPoh and GoongGoong's trip to Hong Kong and let them watch a movie:  I asked what movie they were watching and she gave me an elaborate story about (what else?) fairies but I couldn't make sense of the plot so I'll spare you the details!

LIttle bunny under the table

It's hard to keep Nora occupied while we eat. I found out that putting her under the table and letting her play with Evie's feet scores us enough time to allow us to finish dinner. =)