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Showing posts from May, 2015

Happy 9 Month's!

Nora Bear turned 9 months old yesterday! At her checkup today, she weighed 16lbs and measured 27 inches .She's in about the 15-20 percentile for her age. This little girl is on the go - she turned the corner a few weeks ago and now crawls everywhere and still loves to pull herself up to standing. She's been brave a few times and let go so that she could stand on her own. She still loves to eat. In fact, she grabbed Daddy's tortilla right out of his hand tonight after she had already eaten a slice of turkey, 1/2 a piece of bread, and a baby-food pouch. She babbles a lot more (still the bs, ds and ms) and loves to make "mmmmm" sounds while she eats. She's still sweet as can be but has us all wrapped around her little finger. I mean, tell me, who can resist this little bear's smile?

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day as momma of two was wonderful! We started off with brunch with our pals Greg, Lauren and their two kids Blakely and Graham. B and Evie always have a great time hanging out and now they are old enough to go play on their own, leaving us adults to relax and just watch the babies. This was Nora and Graham's first time meeting and it was fun to watch- they kept grabbing at each other and crawling on top of one another to get to toys. Nora and Graham Blakely and Evie After some yummy homemade french toast and eggs, Lauren and I went to get our nails done while the Dads stayed on kid watch. Then we headed to the zoo where we saw the new tiger exhibit, spotted some white wolves, hopped with the kangaroos and lolled around on the grass. All in all, everyone came home tired but happy! Is that a Nora Monster? Hanging with my Evester.

Evie's new friend

Evie made a new friend tonight, literally! We were setting out her clothes for tomorrow and she decided she wanted to make a girl. Evie said that her new friend was sick so doesn't talk much....

Park date with dad

May went on a delayed spa-day for her birthday and dad played with the girls at "castle park" last weekend.

Hawaii prep

Daddy picked up a few new swim suits for Evie while traveling in NY.  She was so excited she put them on and did some 'fancy' modeling for us. And she has worn them every day since then. What a ham!

baby talk

I got proof that baby bear officially said "mama" before "dada"! Doesn't matter that she doesn't understand what it means.... :)