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Showing posts from March, 2016


We took advantage of the good weather yesterday to use our annual pass and go to the zoo. We lucked out because all the animals were out and about. The bears were walking around, the giraffes were out (which is probably the first time I have seen them in several trips!) and best of all, the lions decided to gnaw on some tasty treats right next to the window. It's the closet I've ever seen them and it was pretty neat!  Nora has been saying "ROAR!" a lot when you talk about Lions, and she'll even make little claw motions. We thought she'd get a kick out of seeing the lions so close but she was pretty scared actually. Oh well, Momma and Evie got up close to take some pics! Just chillaxin' in the dry grass since there's no rain! Too many people shoved up against the window for me to take a good shot.

Weekend Mornings

Our weekend mornings are pretty lazy. We usually take our time getting up, let the girls watch cartoons and then ease our way into going out. There's a lot of lounging around and playing. Here's a few snaps of what we do: Sat: Evie was a sleepyhead and didn't get up until 7:30! Here's Daddy and Nora snuggling with her as they attempt to wake her up. Sat: Nora watching on as Evie makes yet another card.   Sun: Paw Patrol time... for everyone!

Flash forward 10 years....

Poor Eve-meister got Strep Throat last week and had to stay home for 2 days. On the plus side, it meant she got to hang out at home with Daddy and watch Strawberry Shortcake and Paw Patrol a lot. When I came home, she was keeping Daddy company in the garage and this is the look I got when I tried to interrupt her tv-watching. Yikes! I can see her giving me this same look in 10 years time! I'm busy, Mom!

Egg-cited for Easter!

Our girls love eating hard boiled eggs so making colored Easter Eggs was a very egg-citing project indeed! Last year we tried a glitter set which was a bit of a bust so this year I got a tie-dye kit and think the results were pretty good. Evie didn't know what tie-dye was before this, but now she does!  So proud of her designs!   Selfie with our eggs

Fancy Nancy ballet

Since Evie loved the Nutcracker and she's a big Fancy Nancy fan, going to the "Fancy Nancy and the Mermaid Ballet" ballet was the perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon! We went with our pal Blakes and her mom again and had a great time. The story itself was a bit cheesy but had a nice message about not being jealous of a friend's success. In fact, at intermission when I asked Evie if she liked the show, she said no because "Nancy is mean". But, after the 2nd half where Nancy makes up with her friend Bree, all was well again and it seemed like Evie understood the underlying message of the story. It was a small production in Bellevue where we had great seats and got to take pictures with some of the ballerinas after. I'm looking forward to doing more shows like this with the girls! The show is about to start!  Taking pictures with some of the ballerinas.

Picasso with training wheels

Evie and mom love to draw in coloring books by the fire.  If they didn't have lines to draw in would have said they are artistic genius's.

Saturday night staying-in party

Instead of partying it up somewhere, this is what Scott got to do tonight since we stayed in. Evie: do you want blue sparkles or pink sparkles, Daddy? Nice pattern, Evie! Oh, and take note of the earring stamp he has. Very proud of her artwork tonight!

A very exotic animal is in our midst

Evie's teacher gave her props for her creativity and love of crafts. Guess what she made herself here? A Unicorn hat!

Evie's ideal restaurant

Who wants to try out Evie's new restaurant? She's putting together the menu now!

Aquarium visit

This is a bit of a late post, but better late than never, right? Grammie and Grandpa came up for a visit and last week, we opted to find something fun to do indoors instead of playing out in the rain. I don't think we've taken Nora to the aquarium in at least 6 months (don't recall her walking around there) so off we went! The Seattle Aquarium is no Monterey Bay Aquarium, but it's a good place to kill a few hours and has some fun exhibits. Nora had a grand time running from tank to tank. She especially loved all the brightly colored tropical fish. Evie's favorite is always the jellyfish. Watching the divers feed the fish.  Cool octopus! OOH! FISH! Cute little jellyfish, in a tank that's just my height! Such adorable faces!

Happy day!

Happy Saturday, everyone!!