I've taken the girls on my own to dinner at fast food places like McDonalds, but tonight was the first time we went to a real restaurant by ourselves. Any of you who know Nora knows that she's at best, a clingy monkey on me at the dinner table and at worst, a shrieking over-active kid who can't stay in her seat. So it was with a very deep breath that I took the plunge and went to grab dinner before Evie's swim class tonight. Verdict: I can wait to do it again, but it was not as bad as I had thought it would be. We went to Tapatio because Evie requested it (side note: this is the type of Mexican restaurant that makes people say they hate Mexican food) and they heeded my request for a booth because I thought it could contain the kids. Dinner started off okay but went south after we got our meals because Nora didn't want to eat and instead kept wanting to slide down the booth and play on the floor, and then would turn into a limp noodle when I tried to pick her up. I...