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Showing posts from October, 2016

Another milestone...?

Another milestone reached today but not necessarily a good one. Evie told me that she learned a new phrase: "F*ck it." Sigh. She says she doesn't ever say those words but that she has heard others in her class saying it. I guess I'm not really surprised but definitely sad and disappointed that she's already hearing such potty mouth by other kids even though she's only in kindergarten! :(

salon day

We've been taking the girls to either a kids salon or the haircut place nearby and we're never satisfied with either one of those options! Kids salons are expensive ($30), and the local place is much cheaper ($14) but doesn't do a good job. I was complaining about it the last time I went to get my haircut and my stylist mentioned that she does kids cuts. Evie had been asking for a hair cut so this time around, I took Evie with me and she had her first grown up experience at a real salon. She was a little weary of  getting her hair washed and scalp massaged, but did great and sat very still while getting her hair cut. I don't know why I didn't take a before and after shot, but she took off about 1.5 inches and once again has her cute little bob. I think it was $23 well spent! 

bedroom buddies

We finally decided to move Evie's bed into Nora's room because she's been sleeping on her sister's floor for probably a good few months now. So far, so good. The girls LOVE sleeping in the same room together and in fact, they've even been sleeping in and Nora has not been crying/screaming for her milk when she wakes up now. Cross your fingers that the goodness lasts!

Milestone: sushi

We hit a milestone today! Evie had her first piece of sushi and she liked it! Tonight, I took her to a kaiten sushi restaurant before swim because it's kid friendly, quick, and includes cooked foods like udon and potstickers. When she saw me eating sushi, she asked to try it and surprisingly, she asked for more! She's actually tried california rolls before but didn't really care for it so I'm pretty excited that she gave this a chance. I don't want to push it too much but I'm looking forward to getting more sushi with her!

Sunday morning snuggles

Sadly, I can't spend all morning snuggling with Nora and watching cartoons because someone has to get breakfast ready! Nora was a bit whiny when I got up to start breakfast but it didn't last long because big sister Evie moved into my spot and huddled close. What a great big sister! 

I caved...

So this happened yesterday ... I have been weary about letting Evie get her nails done because I think she's too young, but we got talked into it and did a little girls outing with Blakely and her mom. I kept it as a surprise for Evie so she was confused when we walked into the nail salon. She didn't really understand what it was until Blakely took her to the wall with all the nail polish bottles. It took Evie forever to pick and she ended up with a purple sparkly color that ended up showing pretty dark after a few coats. As you can see, the girls had such fun! Aftewards, we went to the Kriegler's house for a pizza and jammie jam party. It was a pretty fun night!

Home Depot

The girls love going to Home Depot because they get to ride in a fun cart and pick out paint swatches. When we went this Saturday, they found another reason to love it - there was a kid workshop going on. We joined in on the free activity while Scott went shopping. Evie liked it so much she wants to go every Saturday! I did all of the hammering and then let Nora put on the stickers. Evie liked pounding away. The finished product! A wooden firetruck! All smiles on the way our. Pooped out after all that fun. She fell asleep in the cart at Costco.