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Showing posts from March, 2017


Yep, our kid is one of those kids who flops on the floor when she's throwing a tantrum. Here she is upset that Daddy didn't let her squeeze the toothpaste herself. It's so very tragic.

Orcas time with the Mackies

We decided on a last minute Orcas getaway before the busy tourist season starts to really get underway and our friends, the Mackies, were up for the hasty adventure! We had a grand time with them - the weather cooperated for the most part but even when it was a little wet and cold out, the girls LOVED playing outside and I got to stay toasty warm inside with their new baby, Cecily. We also got to tramp around on a hike and tried a new (to us) restaurant too. It was a good weekend in my book!  Love their expressions in this photo! Snuggles with Baby Cecily! Playing with the baby mat  Splashing in the waterfall with our rainboots was fun! These goobers! Her highness needed to be carried for most of the hike. My Shrimp and Grits at the New Leaf Cafe was DEEEE-LISH! Exploring West Beach Look, Mama! A shell! Bugs on a log?

Star of the Week

Evie is Star of the Week! She had to create a poster all about herself and this is what she came up with. She was SO proud and excited to go to school today to show off her poster. It was very cute!

Swimming like a fish!

Evie's getting much better at swimming backwards! Check out these videos from the past few weeks at swim.


Last weekend, Evie's little buddy Hadley invited her to a fun cooking class again and we had such a great time making Pies! Hadley's mom actually couldn't make it, so I ended up taking both girls on my own and really enjoyed having the two of them make me a Turkey Pot Pie and Fruit Pastries. Just kidding - I mainly had the salad and ate the scraps of the pies they didn't want, but I was being serious about it being fun! All ready for Pie class! Evie chopping veggies with a real knife... scary! Grapefruit and hicama spinach salad, and Turkey Pot Pies! Fruit pastries


Look who finally got her hair cut this weekend! I think the sisters look even more alike now that they have matching haircuts. :)