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Showing posts from June, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday, Eve-meister!

A birthday is an event in and of itself, but turning 6 for Evie was a doozy! The day started off pretty good - she woke up super early at 6am to open her gifts and was happy as a clam before she went to school. Smiley girl who turned 6! We got a call from school in the early afternoon that this little girl fell off a climbing rock and hurt her wrist pretty badly. A quick trip to the doctor and a pink splint later to keep her fractured wrist straight, here's our little munchkin: She really wanted to do TGIF (Parent's Night Out) at school for her birthday, where the kids get to stay late and play while us parents get to have a date night. I think missing TGIF is what made her the saddest but we made do by ordering Chinese food ( we had to get her favorite Orange Chicken!) and rented Sing to have a movie night. We also bought a store-made Apple Pie at her request and while it made for a good picture, the pie itself wasn't so good. Oh well! Evie - I hope you ha

SF weekend

I have this theory that you are officially "old" when you have a certain era of music you keep going back to. Sure, I listen to the Top 40 stations still but if you want to get me out on a dance floor, putting on hits from the 90s is the best way to get me to start boppin'! So, when I heard New Kids on the Block was touring with Boyz II Men AND Paula Abdul, I couldn't resist getting tickets to the concert. I was able to convince my old buddies to go too and we made a girls night out of it by meeting up in San Jose for the night! It was the perfect middle point for our group that was coming from LA, SF and Seattle.  The concert was, no surprise, oh-so-fun! Boyz II Men sang all their hits and the concert ended up being a massive sing-a-long fest. Paula Abdul might've been lip synching, but she's still got the moves and could energize the crowd. And, NKOTB was super entertaining - I didn't know a lot of their songs but they sure know how to work the crow