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Showing posts from October, 2017

more sleepytime shenanigans

Here's what I found last night when I went to check up on the girls. I heard lots of thumping and noise as they were settling down to sleep but I didn't realize that they decided to sleep on the floor together! 

Dance class

Nora has been loving her new ballet class! I know I'm biased but she really is so cute trying to balance and mimic the teacher's poses and what not. Here's a few photos and a video of class.

Orcas in the fall

We took a quick weekend trip up to Orcas to catch the last bits of summer last weekend. Our friends Annie and Vinh, and their two littles Asa and Finn joined us and we had a great time! The kids got along great - the girls were fascinated by little Finn, who is only 8 months old. They wanted to sit next to him at meal time and they thought he was the funniest thing. Asa joined in and played around with whatever the girls played so everyone got along great.  Annie and Asa The four munchkins. These two cuddled up to share watching Peppa Pig. They even obliged when I asked for a photo op! No trip to Orcas is complete without a stop at Buck Bay for fresh oysters and clams! Funny sign at Buck Bay. Picnic lunch at the top of Mt Constitution. Yay for sunny days and clear skies.     Playing with the rocks to pass the time away.

Hey Good Lookin'

Nora says I'm a "good looker"! :)   I got this praise because I was able to find Red Blanket after Scott did a walk through of the house but wasn't able to find it. My eagle eye and mommy sense found it though. I am indeed a good looker, haha!