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Showing posts from February, 2018


Poor little Nuey bumped into the coffee table and now looks like she was in a bad ass fist fight. 

Cousin weekend

Over President's day weekend, Ian and Owen came to visit and the girls were beyond delirious with happiness and excitement over seeing their cousins. Evie will sometimes say "Ian is my best friend", which Nora has now added "Owen is my best friend". It's super cute and so great to see these kiddos playing so well together. Cross your fingers that lasts forever!  It was a fun filled weekend of hanging out at home watching the Olympics, visiting the Museum of Flight and a nearby brewery, and trekking up to the pass for some sledding action. Here's a few snaps of the fun! They spent hours playing with this marble game. It was a good Xmas present from PohPoh and Goong Goong! We watched the videos we took during the day and apparently it was funny. So cute and sweet how these two are buddies! The only "good" group shot I got of these kiddos in the snow. Even Owen went sledding and loved it! There was also a good sn

Vegas, Baby!

Last weekend I joined Way in Vegas since she was there for a conference. Our cousin, Samantha, came too and we made a fun girls weekend out of it! Well, actually, since Way had the conference during the day and I worked remotely, we really just made a few fun nights out of it - which Vegas is perfect for! And, as we get older, a "fun" night really just means awesome meals with good company. We splurged for one meal at Le Cirque and then had a more casual dinner at Lotus of Siam. Both were really good, but in different ways. We ended with a lunch at a Chinese noodle place in Caesar's Palace that was pretty, but really not worth the price! I didn't take many pictures - here's a few that I have. Le Cirque was what you'd imagine - good service, intimate setting, really good albeit not totally inventive food. Celebrating the Year of the Dog at the Bellagio Gardens. This was a giant husky. Getting noodles in Caesar's Palace Neat entry to t