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Showing posts from March, 2018

My sister and me

We have another budding author in our midst! Here's the latest book that Nora wrote, complete with illustrations. The book is titled "My sister and me". 


Check out these ferocious super girls!

Pi day sadness

Scott and I have a long running argument about apple pie. I love it but Scott thinks it's only okay - he's not a fan of pies with chunky, crunchy fruit. Anyway, I had bought a Cherry Pie for Pi day and as Scott and I were joking about apple pie, Evie dissolved into tears. She was really upset that Scott didn't like Apple pie because it's her favorite! It was hard not to laugh at how sad she was.

Little sickey

Poor little Nora bug hasn't been feeling well. She stayed home from school today because she had a fever. Cross your fingers it goes away soon! On a funny side note, she woke up a few times the other night because she was not feeling well. At one point, she couldn't get comfortable and said she wanted to sleep on the floor. Evie woke up and whined very indignantly "Why does Nora get to sleep on the floor???" I told her it's not a treat to sleep on the floor and to go back to sleep! Sweet sick face Feeling better after some medicine, taking bathrobe selfies with Mommy.

Fun Run Support

We've gotten hit up a few times from friends and family about supporting their kids fun runs and I sorta wondered when Evie would have hers, and now it's arrived! The fun run is on the 21st, and we have until next Thursday (3/15) to make a donation! Consider making a donation to support little Eve-meister! Here she is making her case: TAKE 1: TAKE 2:

Pot Pot

Evie has been listening to Harry Potter on Audible and she can't get enough of it! It's super satisfying to see how much she likes it. She gets up early to listen for a few minutes in the morning, asks to listen to it in the car when we're driving, requests to listen more in the evening after dinner and flute and pretty much listens until bedtime. She sometimes will play or do crafts while listening in the evening but more often than note, she snuggles up under a blanket to hear all about "Pot Pot's" adventures.  Daddy likes listening too! Nope, not asleep. Just listening to Pot Pot.

Sad Nora

Nora was in tears this morning when we were rushing to get out the door:  Can you spot the reason why she was so sad?