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Showing posts from July, 2018

More sleeping positions

I find myself looking forward to going upstairs to check on the girls each night just to see if they'll be in a weird position. Here's a few more I caught recently: Nora out in the hallway Sharing a bed, and Nora about to fall off. Good thing she didn't!

Pool time

It's hot here so we tried out our new pool! As you can see, all the kids enjoyed it! =)

Bailey Farm

We had so much fun today visiting Bailey Farms! We trekked out to Snohomish to meet up with friends who moved there and to pick raspberries but the farm had lots of other u-pick veggies that we tried out too. We're going to have to do this more often! Nora did pretty good with picking only ripe raspberries. Picking beans we didn't need these many onions but Evie had fun getting them.

7/11 day


more sleeping arrangements

Here's more fun photos of the fun positions I find the girls sleeping in when I check on them at night! I swear we tucked Evie in before bed! and what's what Nora's foot up again? What are the chances they both turned sideways? They insisted they didn't go to sleep that way.

Ears pierced!

Evie's ears are officially pierced! We had a girls day on Saturday because Scott was traveling for work so we got hair cuts, had lunch, and then went to Claire's. Evie was a brave girl - didn't cry although she definitely look like she wanted to! She's SOOO proud of her ears and can't wait to be able to get fancy, fun, sparkling earrings instead of the boring gold studs I made her get.  Thankfully, I don't have to worry yet about Nora getting her ears pierced too. She had no interest at all in getting her ears pierced and didn't even care to watch it happen - she was too busy looking at all the goodies at Claire's! Noodles + dim sum + jook = yUM She really only likes the crust. I ate the filling. Just before getting her ears pierced. So excited! New, proud owner of gold studded ears! And, here's the video of the ear piercing. Her lower lip is too cute, and sad. Such a brave girl!

Bertie Botts Beans

There's a candy in Harry Potter called Bertie Botts Beans that has every flavor beans - including flavors like dirt, soap and rotten eggs. Evie bought some at a candy shop and had so much fun trying out the flavors. She was really brave about it too, probably because she has no idea what those things smell or taste like! In any case, I took a few photos of her and Nora trying out the flavors. I think Nora was too excited about the prospect of having candy to give an honest opinion of whether she liked the flavor or not, as you can see from the pictures. Soap: eh, not very good Soap: it's good, Mama! Rotten Egg: uggggh! yuck!   Nora: I don't like this one that much, Mama.