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Showing posts from March, 2019

Soccer pals

Nora was great friends with this kid named Lucas when they were in Miss Yasmin's class last year. I think the feeling was mutual because when we went to Lucas' birthday party last year and I met his grandmother, she  was delighted to meet Nora because apparently, Lucas loves to name all of his stuffies and imaginary friends Nora! Anyway, Lucas left to go to another school so we haven't seen him in months.  This past Saturday, as we were heading to our first soccer class for the season, out of the blue Nora said to me "I miss Lucas Russell. I don't remember what color his eyes are." How cute, right?   Well, guess what? Turns out Lucas is in her soccer class! They all gave each other such big hugs when they saw each other and had so much fun running around the field. Now she, Alisa and Lucas are reunited and it feels so good! 

first Orcas trip of the season

Last weekend we headed up to Orcas Island and lucked out with some fabulous sunny weather. It was still pretty chilly and windy but it felt SO nice to sit out in the sun! Here's some snaps of the weekend: Evie reading to Nora on the ferry was so sweet! Soaking up the rays on the front porch There were so many downed trees in Moran State Park. Look how massive this one's roots were! Oh hello! Playing with squirt guns

Shadow puppets

Little Nooey has been doing a lesson at school all around light and has been having lots of fun turning on/off lights all over the house to make shadow puppets. This was some shadow puppet play before bed the other night!

Nora's first ski lesson

Nora's first ski lesson is in the bag! She was supposed to have gone a few weeks ago when Ian was here, but because of her eye, we postponed it to last weekend. While she had been excited and itching to go, I was a bit apprehensive because she's not great at doing a new class on her own (like when she took her first soccer class).  I'm happy to report that not only did she have fun, she said she loved it! YIPPEE! I'm really grateful that the instructor was super friendly and patient because we saw another class with a drill sargeant teacher. After class, Nora's teacher said while her little legs aren't strong enough to do a pizza yet, he praised her for her great attitude and that she listened well in class. Good job, Nora! Ready for lessons! Beautiful sunny day Evie getting off the magic carpet Nora was the smallest one in class

Snow weekend with the Hanley's

This is a bit of an old post, but I have to share because we had such a fun weekend!  Over President's Day, the Hanleys came up for a visit with the main purpose of playing in the snow with us. They lucked out because Snowmaggedon had dropped so much that we basically couldn't get away from the snow even if we wanted to! They played with it in our backyard, at the ski slopes, and again when we went to Suncadia for a little side trip.  I don't have photos of the ski lesson, unfortunately, but Evie and Ian both got to take a class and they said they enjoyed it. Evie got to go on the Magic Carpet and was pretty bummed that she didn't get to go on a ski lift yet. Nora was supposed to take a beginner's lesson with Ian but we pulled her out at the last minute because of her black eye.  After skiing, we headed over to Suncadia for an overnight getaway. The resort has all these fun activities you can do but since Ian was sick, we stuck with partaking in the sle


While Scott was traveling last weekend, I let the girls sleep in my room only, there was no space for me on the bed! I ended up sleeping on the futon on the floor. =\