Scott's birthday often falls over Memorial Day weekend, which, lucky for him, means we always get a long weekend of celebration time! This year, we went up to Orcas Island with Grammie and Grandpa and had a great time again. Here's some pics of what we did, but the highlights were: watching the aerial performers for the Greatest Showman theater production we got tickets to, biking around town, teaching Evie how to play monopoly and Grammie's yummy chocolate birthday cake! The drive home was terrible though - the ferry was late so even though we had reservations for the 10pm ferry, we didn't get home until 3am! Note to self that for next year, we should leave on Tuesday instead. No wrapping paper so we improvised! Rainy day = learning to play Monopoly. Evie was hooked! Evie is loving the Fudge series. She giggles through out it. We went to watch a theater production of The Greatest Showman, which the girls LOVED. They enjoyed the music and the acr...