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Showing posts from September, 2019


We caved and have now become a mini-van family! The girls are super excited, as you can see.  Now, who wants to come up for a visit? We got space to shuttle you around!

Learning how to jump rope

Nora's loving kindergarten so far. She was especially excited to show me how she's been learning how to jumprope in PE!

rainy weather

We had a super short summer in Seattle: the girls got out of school at the end of June because they had to make up snow days and then after only 1 week of nice weather in September, we're back to the rain. BOOOOO. On the bright side, the girls aren't phased by it at all and are excited about their new rain boots! Nora's pose cracks me up. Where does she learn this? 

Back to school

Last week, Evie started 3rd grade. She was super pumped to go back to school especially because a bunch of her buddies are in the same class as her. In fact, she got to choose her own seat and she's sitting next to one of her besties. She was all smiles on the first day of school! For some reason, the kindergartners started this week instead so Nora got to have a whole extra week of summer before having to get up early to trek off to class. She had ants in her pants waiting for her big day. She's been SO EXCITED to be joining her sister at the big kids school! For the meet the teachers event last week, she picked out a fancy dress to wear. And then today, the first day of class, she surprised me as I got out of the shower this morning - she was already dressed, she pulled me in close, said "mama" and then opened her mouth to breathe her toothpaste breath on me! It was pretty cute.  At school, she wanted us to drop her at Sockeye, the before school care pr...

Chess players

Found this picture on my phone that I forgot to post about. Evie took a Chess/Tennis camp for a week over the summer and for a while, she really got bit by the Chess bug! She even taught Nora the basic rules and now the 2 of them will sometimes bust out the chess set Scott bought them and play (fairly) quietly for a while. It's pretty cool! 

Chinese menu

We tried a fantastic new Chengdu style restaurant the other night and I'm super bummed I didn't take photos of the food. However, I did take a snap of this funny section on the menu. Probably a good idea because the rest of the menu was spicy spicy, but oh so good!