I'm always jealous when Scott gets to go to New York for work. It's been a few years since I've been and it's one of the best places to go on someone else's dime! Well, the stars aligned and I was able to tag along with Scott on his latest NY work trip. Grammie and Grandpa were already up in Seattle for Thanksgiving, so we asked them to stay a few days longer to watch the girls and wha-la! we had a partially-subsidized kids free weekend painting the Big Apple red! We packed in a lot that weekend. Scott flew out first so that he could help get his work event - the House of Modern Beauty - set up. I took the red-eye on Thursday night so that I could spend as much time with the girls. Earlier that day I had seen my old friend Barbara, a gal I had worked with at Move.com, post on Instagram that she was traveling to NY for the weekend so we made last minute plans to meet up after I got in Friday morning. Barb and I met up at a George's Diner, this quintesse...