I have been intrigued with the idea of bicycle touring for awhile now, but the closest I have come is the STP and RSVP group bike rides which are long (100 miles per day) but highly organized and pampered. But as you probably guess these were also cancelled this summer. Canadian boarder closed? No problem! Edmond and I decided to take matters into our own hands and put a finger on the map and cycle there. We spent 3 days on the road starting with Bellevue to the Fauntleroy ferry, over to Port Orchard, Poulsbo, Port Ludlow, Port Townsend, Poulsbo again, Bainbridge and back to Seattle. It was 170 miles and we only had one “mechanical” as they call it where my rear tire started to fall apart. Luckily it was caught early and there was a friendly bike shop nearby in Poulsbo. The scenery was spectacular with a mix of rustic farms, blackberry bushes, beaches and bridges. Now the bikes took getting used to with the extra weight, but it worked out well. I just wished I had spent a little m...