This working and schooling from home thing is hard! It is nice that it means where we work/learn is flexible but it's also bad in that the kids don't stick to a dedicated place to get online for school. Nora, especially, can't seem to find the right spot for doing work. She is VERY SQUIRMY and needs someone to be on her to pay attention to the teacher and to do her work in between zoom calls. She's been doing a round robin of which taskmaster gets to sit with her each day to keep her on track! At the beginning of the year, both kids took over the office. Evie eventually moved up to her room, and Nora wanted to follow. One afternoon I came into the hall and saw this. She pulled all of this there herself. Lately, she's been wanting to sit with me so here she is on the side chair in her room. Sometimes, she doesn't sit on the chair.... Since that set up wasn't great, I moved back down with her into the office. Here's my office buddy today.