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Showing posts from November, 2020

Celebration weekend

2020 has been a hard year, and it was tough for me this week to stay positive. Work is super busy and non-stop, so much so that I had two folks (one on my team, one not) break down in tears this week when talking to me. COVID hasn't let up and I am antsy antsy antsy to go out and do normal everyday things again on the weekends, especially eating at restaurants. And then, of course, it was election week and things were so close and the results dragged on for so long. I was feeling so dejected that I had been distracting myself by watching cheesy holiday movies at night instead of checking online for election results. By Friday, I just felt a big crushing weight of hopelessness and stress and it was hard for me to be in a good mood.  To cheer up, we decided to start decorating for Christmas early. I know, I know, it feels way too early but decorating the tree to Christmas music playing is something I look forward to every year. For dinner, I spread out a charcuterie board so that I d

Tea and Cookies

We've been having tea and cookies for dessert these past few nights using our little sake cups. The girls think it's so fun and dainty. They set the table so nicely, and then we all play board games or read. It makes for a nice and relaxing way of spending the evenings.  


I forgot to share our Halloween pictures!  After having watched Star Wars, the girls decided to be Rey and Princess Leia this year. It was a lot of fun to see them play make-believe and pretend to use the force around the house. Nora especially liked swinging her light saber around.  Because of old 'Rona, we opted out of passing out candy or even going trick or treating. The girls were bummed but we made up for it by going to the Wong's house and have a fun evening. First, we (re: Moms) carved pumpkins, then we had "spooky spaghetti" and then did a Halloween candy hunt (a la Easter eggs) for them to get their candy fix. It was really amusing to see how long counting and trading candy and eggs can occupy the kids! I have never really liked Halloween so I was surprised how sad I was that Halloween felt anti-climatic this year. I didn't think I'd miss trick or treating or seeing everyone's costumes or handing out candy, but without those things, Halloween jus