Scott has been super interested in stinging nettle for a while now, ever since we spied them last year and he took a few leaves to make stinging nettle tea. It apparently has a lot of great properties that help with all kinds of ailments, and hey, who doesn't like something that's healthy and free? This past weekend, we (read: Scott) foraged for some new, young nettle and we tried cooking it to eat for the first time. Well, count me in as one of those that aren't into it. First, it sprouts up everywhere in the PNW and can give you a nasty sting just by brushing up against it. When you forage for them, you need to wear gloves. And as much as I wanted to like eating or drinking nettle, I'm sad to say that I don't. It has a very earthy aroma and taste, which to me translates to drinking or eating grass or mud (it's the same color too!). The texture, even when it's cooked down, is like a hairy, chewy spinach. File this under another item I've tried so you ...