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Showing posts from November, 2021

2 down, 2 to go!

After 4 negative COVID tests to prove that she didn't catch COVID after the recent close exposure at school, we finally got Nora over to get her vaccine this past weekend. WOOT! She was super not looking forward to her shot and when we walked into the clinic, I was a bit worried because there was a kid wailing at the top of their lungs and I thought it would put off Nora. She was brave though and took the shot like a champ. Afterwards, for her reward, she got to pick out lunch and opted for steak tacos. Score for mom too because I got pozole. Wins all the way around! Her eyes are squeezed so tight! I told her to look away but she didn't want to listen. Vaccinated! Her evil grin because she is happy about her 5 taco plate (she ate 2 and took the rest home).  

One down, 3 to go!

Wahoo!! Evie got her first vaccine shot yesterday and she was a champ! I wish I got a picture of her actually getting the shot but there was user error and the pics didn't take. But, I got one right before and I got one of her smiling behind her mask after.  Unfortunately, Nora did get her vaccine as planned yesterday. We were alerted on Friday that she had "close contact" with someone who tested positive and so out of an abundance of caution, we decided to hold off on her vaccine until next Saturday.   

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

The day after Halloween means I can officially start celebrating the holiday season with no shame! Christmastime is my favorite and the girls have learned to love christmas carols and putting up the tree as much as I do, so much so that we busted out the tree over the weekend and already have it up. I bet we are the first people on our block to put up our tree.  bling bling! Some closeup shots of our ornaments One funny thing that came out of bringing down our tree from the attic was that Nora remembered that red blanket is stored up there. She gets to take it down once a year to snuggle with, and she declared that this was the day! After throwing it in the wash, she dragged that thing around all over the house and even stuffed herself in it. It's pretty cute, isn't it? So happy to see red blanket If she curls up just so, it still fits!  

Happy Halloween!

It's a little sad that we don't do much for Halloween aside from the general pumpkin carving and trick or treating, but it doesn't seem to bother the kids at all. They had a blast anyway! Nora carved the pumpkin for the first time (I was SO nervous while she was cutting) and then we loaded up on chicken-chili before the kids headed out for trick or treating around the neighborhood. I love that our hood isn't all that big but there's just enough houses and not enough kids so every house gives out loads of candy! Their bags were full by the time we finished our neighborhood so we called it quits and the kids spent the rest of the evening trading candy back and forth. Nora's favorite score of the night was a full size tootsie roll (it's as long as her arm!) and my favorite was one of the houses passed out adult beverages for the parents.