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Showing posts from June, 2022

Scott turns 45!

Our adventure boy turned the big 4-5 a few weeks ago and he decided to celebrate by going on a bike-packing trip! Me, I would prefer to have a luxurious day but more power to Scott that he wants to rough it!  The night before his bday, we sang happy birthday and he blew out candles on his cake. Then early(ish) the next morning, he and Edmund set out to bike to a nearby state park. The idea was they would load up their bikes with camping equipment and cycle the 60 or so miles to the campsite. In reality, they were overly ambitious - the uphill terrain, the heavy bikes, and the wet weather slowed them down quite a bit! They decided instead to bike at a campground they passed along the way before it got too dark or wet and based on their pictures, it looked like a really lovely, private spot next to a creek. On the way home, they rewarded themselves by stopping by Snoqualamie casino and gorging on their buffet. Happy birthday, Scott! Home-made (from a box) lemon raspberry cake. Getting st