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Showing posts from April, 2024

Another year older

Whew! It's been a while since we posted! We've had a busy few weeks that we'll have to catch everyone up on, but for now, I'll share some pics from my birthday weekend.  On Friday, my actual birthday, I picked hotpot (surprise!) at Hai Di Lao - a hotpot chain from China that opened up in Bellevue a few years back that we had not gone to yet. They're famous for their sauce bar, free ice cream and the  "dancing noodle man" who indeed does do quite the fancy dance while pulling fresh noodles tableside. We ordered way too much food and went home stuffed to the brim and armed with more than a few doggie bags. On Sat, we headed out bright and early to the Hood Canal for Nora's lacrosse game (more on that later), and decided to spend the day over there checking out a state park and then walking around Gig Harbor. On Sunday, I forced the family on a hike, indulged Scott with some fishing time and then enjoyed some homemade pasta and a nice bottle of wine at ho...