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We took our first flight as a family last week to Sacramento to attend Scott's old roommate Greg's wedding. This was Nora's first flight and I'm happy to report she did really well. She was awake the entire time but barely made a peep. She spent the entire flight looking at everyone and everything.

Daddy and his two girls.
First order of business was to take advantage of being in California to have some In N Out! Surprisingly, I think this was Evie's first time having some. I know we've taken her in the past but I don't think she actually ate one before (she only ate the fries). This time, she chowed down and finished half the burger, which I think is quite a lot for her little tummy! 
We stayed with Dave and Mary, friends from Scott's college days. They have 3 kids (Braden - 9, Hailey - 6, Aubrey - 2) which worked out great for Evie because it meant she had tons of friends and toys to play with. Evie especially took to Hailey right away. They spent lots of time playing "school" and making wands and crowns to be princesses.

These girls were probably talking about princesses or fairies. 
Braden reading Evie a story before her nap.
On Saturday morning, we all trekked over to Fairytale Town, which is a big park where the play structures are based on different fairy tales. It was a big hit with Evie.

The big Shoe slide (where the old lady lived).

This was a balance beam in Sherwood Forest (from Robin Hood) 
I can't remember what this tale the turtle is from. 
That night, Mary did us a ginormous favor of watching Evie while Scott, Nora and I went to Greg and Dianne's wedding. Sadly, Greg was diagnosed with brain cancer pretty soon after they got engaged so they quickly married at the local courthouse and this celebration was more of a vow renewal in front of friends and family. The bridge and groom specifically asked folks to NOT take pictures in order for everyone to live in the moment so unfortunately, there isn't any pics of the wedding itself to share! It was a really lovely ceremony though - short and sweet and joyous.

Nora was a hit at the wedding! Everyone wanted to come over and meet her. She spent most of the time in the Baby Bjorn and was pretty content hanging out with Daddy. Evie enjoyed her night with the Ritter kids too.

Wedding selfie 
All dressed up for the wedding.
View from the 15th floor of the Hyatt, where the reception took place.

We had a great time in Sacramento. Next stop: San Francisco!  


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