I should have done this sooner, all it took to break the girls away from their screens and books to join me in the outdoors were a few candies and money (well not really money, they want “points” to use towards LEGO rewards). For two days straight the girls have willingly gone out with me on local hiking trails near our house without a single complaint... and they claim to be having a ton of fun. We have been exploring streams, waterfalls, and interesting looking rocks. We’re trying to keep our social distance when we pass hikers and I have even trained the girls to hold their breath as long as they can when walking past strangers. So far so good. Perhaps we will try masks on our hikes next.
With all this outdoor time (and the prospect of more points) the girls have also joined me in doing some spring weeding and gardening. They even helped me clean up a small tree in our yard to use for climbing. I love listening to their little pretend stories while hanging out in the trees. Yesterday it was about two little girl entrepreneurs who became billionaires!
Cutie pie hiking buddies!