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Skate skiing

Scott has been very keen to try skate skiing and since he found some cheap used skis for the girls, we went off to test out their new equipment! Skate skiing is a bit different from cross country in that it uses uses shorter skis and, instead of staying in the tracks, you typically skate in the middle of the trail by pushing off your skis from side to side. You move much faster than cross country skiing but obviously not as fast as downhill skis or ice skating. The girls (especially Evie) had a good time trying out skate skiing and got the hang off it very quickly. Scott and I tried with our regular cross country skis and were mildly successful. It was still fun enough that we'd totally do it again. It also didn't hurt that there was lovely new snow while we were out and we were on a very flat wide trail that wasn't at all crowded. We'll be back!

Evie's form, while Nora tried to stay in the tracks.

We were out for about 3 hours and this was about the halfway point.

All smiles at the end of the day means a pretty good day in my book!

Some videos of the day:


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