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Nora turned 9!

Nora is now 9! She technically turned 9 while were on our last day of the cruise, but we celebrated her multiple times. First, we had a small party here at home ahead of the cruise where she got to pick her birthday meal (chicken wings) and cake (ice cream). Then on the cruise, they had a celebration party for everyone who had a birthday that week, and finally on her actual birthday, the waitstaff in the main dining room was kind enough to sing her happy bday. 

At 9, Nora still has a sweet tooth, and the cavities to match!. She's also now discovered that she likes sweetened coffee too so that's not the best. She's getting a bit into cooking and likes to help make eggs and bake muffins and has been super helpful around the house making herself (and us!) lunches of mac--cheese or charcuterie plates or other easy meals this summer. 

She is still a little firecracker - one minute sunny and all smiles and the next minute angry and upset about something that did not go her way. She wears her heart on her sleeve so at least with her, you will always know where you stand. She is definitely not afraid to express her opinion or ask for what she wants. 

We gave her a kindle for her bday since she is more interested in reading now, but it's still slow going in that department. She's a procrastinator when she does her work so time management is something we've been trying to work on this summer. 

She continues to be Daddy's little buddy when it comes to fishing and hiking, and Momma's girl when it comes to eating spicy food and snuggling. We love her to pieces and hope she has her best year yet!

Nora and I made her coffee-and-mint ice cream bday cake.

Happy birthday to Nora!

Our wait staff singing Happy Bday!

Birthday cake on the cruise.

BDay cake #3! 

The party to celebrate anyone who had a birthday the week of the cruise.



  1. Happy birthday, Nora! So glad we got to share in the celebrations with you!


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