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Big Island 2024

We spent about 2 glorious weeks in Big Island again earlier this month. We spent the first week with the Hanleys and got to do a lot of fun things like explore a new "secret" beach, celebrate Nora's birthday at Tommy Bahama, view the stars from Mauna Kea and spent lots of time in the pool. After we bid the Hanleys a sad goodbye, we lounged around a bit and Scott did lots of house chores while I was working remotely. I know we are so blessed and privileged to be able to go there, we are already aching to go back! 

Shave ice - this time with Boba!

Pineapple and Mango dole whip

Evie has switched to preferring dole whip over shave ice.

We went to Hawaiian Style Cafe for breakfast one day. This is the [massive] Coconut pancake order.

One evening we went to the Mauna Kea hotel to see the manta rays. Afterwards, we grabbed dessert in Copper Bar. These coffee profiteroles were excellent.

The kids at Copper Bar, watching the Olympics.

On one of the days, we brought our lunch out to the pool patio.

We had one "fancy" night out at Tommy Bahama because Way had a GC to use up. 

This was our first time and we give it two thumbs up!

Pictures all around!

We celebrated Nora's birthday that night.

Full and happy!

Another night, we stopped by our old fav Lava Lava Beach Club. These are the palm trees behind the restaurant at sunset.

How cute are these two?

Kids horsing around in front of Lava Lava

Pics while we were waiting for our seats!

The kids played volleyball, lacrosse and golfed out on the lawn.

And also did lots of swimming.

Lots and lots of swimming. Sometimes, twice a day! Check out Owen jumping into the pool!

We went to Baby Beach, which has lots of rocks and pretty views

Selfie at Baby Beach

It's called baby beach because of how the rocks shelter the beach, making it VERY easy for swimming and snorkeling. This was Nora's first time actually swimming pretty far out for snorkeling! 

Nora was a little afraid so she was on the bogeyboard but I'm proud that she went out that far!

This was one of the pathways we explored near Baby Beach.
See how calm and pretty the water is behind us?

On another day, we went to Kua Bay, one of our fav beaches on the island because of the stunning waters.

Really, the pictures just don't do it justice.

This was the first time we've ever been where the water was SO calm. It's usually known for being a boogey boarding beach.

It was calm enough that Nora decided to try snorkeling again!
and this time, the brave girl swam! (but still holding the boogie board)

My view from under the beach umbrella

Way snapped this photo of the kids at A Bay!


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