Today was Nora's 4 month doctor checkup. She weighed in at 12 lbs 7 ounces and measured 23.5 inches, which is both at the 15th percentile. Her head was 50th percentile though, so while her proportions are great, she's got a big head. Evie tagged along to the appointment this time because she has had a temperature for a few days and we were worried she had a UTI. Good news is she's doing great - no UTI, thank goodness! This is the second time now she's gone in for the same issue and it boils down to she needs to wipe herself better after going to the bathroom. Last time we went in for this same problem, it took 45 minutes and a LOT of pleading to get her to go to the bathroom. This time around, she downed some water and then went right to business with giving them a urine sample. Peeing on queue is pretty big girl stuff! Add caption As for Nora-bear, the vista started off great. She was her usual smiley self but then she got her 4 month immunization shots and ...