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Showing posts from January, 2024


Baby, it's been coooold outside!  We had a cold front come through last week and the temps dropped into the teens in our neck of the woods. But guess what? We didn't stay in our woods and instead hopped across the border to Whistler again (we have a ski pass this season) where it was even colder. Easily, it was the coldest temperatures I've ever been in. How cold? When we arrived Friday night, our car showed 0 degrees fahrenheit. On Saturday, it was 4 degrees when Nora and I walked around the village at 11am, so was way colder when we went cross country later in the day and likely way colder up on the slopes where Scott and Evie were! Good thing it was sunny the whole time or it would have been miserable. Sunday was a bit better because the temps rose up in the teens.  The weather has followed us back to Seattle where our roads have been staying so icy that school was canceled yesterday and had delayed start today. Very little snow on the ground but enough slush that it fre...

December roundup

Wow, it's been a minute since we last posted!! So much to share, so we'll just do a quick overview of our December shenanigans.... First, we had a couple of school events. Nora is part of the school choir (Sunset Singers) and they had a holiday concert one evening. She also got elected/selected to be part of Student Council, and the kids did an amazing job organizing a food drive for a local shelter. After they were done collecting, they loaded up three vans with all the food. It was heartwarming to watch the kids being so kind and helpful with each other. Lastly, we signed Nora up for a free intro lesson to fencing. She looked so cute out on the floor, but I'm not sure how much she liked it.  For Christmas break, we did our usual and headed down to good ole LaLa land! We had lots of fun planned out:  Dinner at the Mission Inn in Riverside a Hawaiian Christmas concert horseback riding lessons Disneyland Making cookies with Grammy Christmas Eve dinner Christmas dinner Hotpot...